Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer

Otto Scharmer
PhD, MBA, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics and Management and author of Theory U
Otto Sharmer is the author of Theory U (, The Fundamentals of U Theory (, a senior lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and one of the founders of the Presencing Institute - a research center dedicated to social innovation. Founder of MIT IDEAS. Together with the Government of Germany and the Center for Gross National Happiness (Bhutan), he co-founded the Laboratory for Global Welfare and Gross National Happiness. In 2015, he and his colleagues founded the MITx u.lab educational laboratory - massive open distance courses for those who are carrying out in-depth changes that have today activated the global ecosystem for renewing society and individuals, and where more than 100,000 people from 185 countries are studying. In 2015, Sharmer received the Jamieson Prize for his high level teaching at MIT, and in 2016, the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Award. He seeks to create a global action research institute for transforming society that integrates science, consciousness, and social change.